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Mainstreaming Gender, Diversity and Inclusion in Open Government

Cómo incorporar perspectivas de géneros, diversidad e inclusión en el Gobierno Abierto.

The evidence is clear: we know that inequality exists and that it violates the rights of women, the LGBTQIA+ community, people living with disabilities, indigenous peoples and other collectives. We know that these gaps and inequalities increase with intersectionality. We also know that corruption and the lack of transparency and accountability have the greatest negative impact in these groups, enhancing inequality exponentially.

If we share the evidence, we must focus on what to do and how. To this end, the open government approach – due to their intrinsic characteristics – transparency, participation, data openness – is a unique opportunity to:

  • Draw attention to the existing gaps, inequalities and exclusions, mainstreaming gender equity and equality, diversity and inclusion in every commitment by including disaggregated data and empirical evidence.
  • Advance reforms based on concrete, operational and measurable actions that respond to the need of mainstreaming the gender perspective, diversity and inclusion, building on the following questions:
    • How do languages contribute to sexist, binary biases that exclude people, groups and identities?
    • What groups are not participating in open government processes and why?
    • Are voices, situations and stakeholders considered in a broad, diverse and intersectional matter?
    • Which data should we generate, analyze and communicate to close the gender, diversity and inclusion gaps?
    • How can participation be broadened, including diverse agendas, situations, interests, and abilities of individuals and groups?

The research “Integrity and gender in open government commitments”, published by Poder Ciudadano (Argentinian Chapter of Transparency International) aimed to collaboratively strengthen transparency and anticorruption commitments of Argentina’s fourth open government action plan by applying Canada’s GBA+ tool, which aims to assess how different groups experience policies, programs and initiatives. It also includes a guide to help Open Government Partnership member countries apply the tool, increasing the inclusivity of their commitments and their co-creation process. We used GBA+, as it is a user-friendly tool that creates a baseline, assessment and roadmap to build links between gender, diversity and inclusion activists and anti corruption activists by means of open government policies.

Why are these links necessary? If anti corruption activism fully incorporates the gender, diversity and inclusion perspectives, we will be better able to include and protect the most vulnerable groups from corruption, including women and LGBTQIA+ groups. We can also advance reforms to ensure that democratic institutions become more inclusive and equal, contributing to our mission to protect human rights. In turn, if gender, diversity and inclusion organizations and movements take ownership of the integrity and anti corruption instruments, they will be able to strengthen their agendas, promoting transparent and accountable public policies and institutions that make proper use of the resources they manage, securing rights for every person

Because, despite the contexts, if we want to build more equal, equitable and diverse societies, we must be plural and move from words to action with an indisputable motto: open States will be gender, diversity and inclusion- sensitive and receptive or they will not be.


Comments (2)

David Nathaniel Sasaki Reply

So what happened as a result? What were the commitments? How was the political support developed? Thanks.

Karina Alejandra Kalpschtrej Reply

David, here is the report (in spanish)
We are working no the implementation process now.
Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information
Kind regards

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