Justice Policy Series, Part III: Accountability for Democratic Renewal
Explore how to adopt an open government approach to policies and activities and adapt them for your own national and local context.
Explore how to adopt an open government approach to policies and activities and adapt them for your own national and local context.
Minister Renato Brunetta shares with us his views on Open Gov Week, Italy's latest action plan, and OGP co-chair agenda.
Evidence continues to show that open government affects people’s lives. But there are still skeptics who are not aware of all the benefits associated with this approach. Use this guide to convince them to take an open government approach when implementing reforms.
Take a look at Ukraine’s 10-year journey as a champion in OGP, their progress that has been tragically interrupted by the war, and how reformers continue to live by and fight for the principles of open government.
Uruguay is implementing commitments from its fifth open government action plan, engaging a wide range of stakeholders including government agencies, civil society organizations...
Uruguay está implementando los compromisos de su quinto plan de acción de gobierno abierto, involucrando una multitud de actores como agencias de gobierno, organizaciones de sociedad civil, academia, ciudadanía y demás. En anticipación de la Semana de Gobierno Abierto, Daniel Carranza ...
In this episode of the Voices of Open Government podcast, learn what France has done to increase algorithmic transparency using citizen input while raising awareness about the use of algorithms.
Explore OGP's analysis of Summit For Democracy commitments, their relevance to open government values, their areas of focus, and how they compare to OGP commitments.
In this episode, Miren Martiarena Barkaiztegi shares how the Basque Country in Spain has worked to involve all local institutions and citizens in the policy-making process.
Having served as a national researcher for Georgia from 2013 to 2019 for OGP’s Independent Reporting Mechanism, I have developed a particular interest in implementing the values of openness and accountability in local governments. From 2014-2015, Georgia implemented a series…
Entre el 2013 y el 2019 me desempeñé como investigador nacional para el Mecanismo de Revisión Independiente en Georgia. Desde entonces, he tenido especial interés en implementar el valor de la apertura y la rendición de cuentas en los gobiernos…
The Director of the State Chancellery of the Republic of Latvia on public administration policy issues Inita Pauloviča shares her views on Open Latvia, a platform created to help Latvia in its co-creation process.
Actualmente, Inita Pauloviča es asesora del director de la cancillería del Estado de Letonia sobre asuntos de administración pública. Antes de ocupar ese puesto, fue subdirectora de la cancillería del Estado y fue clave para el desarrollo de una plataforma…
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