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Guidance Document

Open Response Dark Blue

A Guide to Open Government and the Coronavirus: Inclusion and Gender

Bringing an inclusion lens to COVID-19 open government reforms is vital to ensure effective government response and recovery efforts. Find recommendations, examples, resources and more.

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A Guide to Open Government and the Coronavirus: Open Data

The collection and analysis of population-wide epidemiological data is a critical element of the COVID-19 response. From publishing disease spread statistics to location-tracking apps, governments around the world have engaged in sweeping data collection efforts to inform public health policies. In particular, open data has become key to facilitating...

Open Response subpage 3

A Guide to Open Government and the Coronavirus: Fiscal Openness

The COVID-19 pandemic has weakened economies, increased public debt, and exacerbated existing inequalities. Governments across the world are in the process of enacting emergency responses, including reallocating budgets to the healthcare sector and sizable stimulus packages...

Open Response Teal

A Guide to Open Government and the Coronavirus: Justice

People can encounter justice problems in nearly every aspect of life, including health, employment, education, housing and public safety. Even before COVID-19...

Open Response Dark Blue

A Guide to Open Government and the Coronavirus: Public Procurement

Procurement has become a life or death issue in many countries’ responses to the coronavirus pandemic. In the short-term, emergency procurement is a critical component of any government’s response measures.


OGP Local Implementation Plan

The OGP Steering Committee unanimously approved the OGP Local Strategy consisting of three mutually reinforcing strategic pathways to support open local government...

IRM Guidance on Minimum Threshold for Involve

According to OGP’s Procedural Review Policy, OGP participating governments must meet the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) “Involve” requirement during development of the Action Plan, as assessed by the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM). The IRM has designed this document…

OGP Participation and Co-Creation Toolkit

The updated OGP Participation & Co-Creation Standards were approved by the Steering Committee on November 24, 2021, and are effective January 1, 2022. Guidance is being developed in line with the updated Standards and will be available in early 2022.…

Open Government Partnership