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Unlocking Gender Data: Ensuring the Future Is Open for All

This blog was written by Emily Fung and Allison Merchant of Open Heroines and originally posted on Medium. “The Future is Open” is this year’s IODC theme, with the conference focusing on innovative solutions and opportunities for collaboration to inspire real progress…

WASHing Down Corruption: Using OGP to Deliver Water

Roughly a quarter of the Netherlands – what’s in a name? - lies below sea level. In the 13th century, as the population grew and land was increasingly drained for agriculture, managing water levels became a priority. At first, people…

Some Top 10 Takeaways from Tbilisi

Over 2,000 advocates from nearly 100 countries convened in beautiful Tbilisi, Georgia in July for a hectic week to explore how we can collectively enhance the global work of open government. So, what did we learn in the process? This…

By Failing to Prepare, You Are Preparing to Fail: Managing Political Transitions in OGP Countries

The global wave of political transitions over the last few years have challenged progress towards greater openness in OGP countries. Seven years after OGP launched, many civil society activists and reformers inside government find themselves now faced with obstacles to…

Open Government Partnership