Bojonegoro Final IRM Report 2017 – For Public Comment
In 2019, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) published its assessment report for Bojonegoro's first action plan, prepared by the independent researcher Anton Novenanto, in collaboration with the IRM. It covers the full action plan implementation period of January 2017 through…
Kigoma Final IRM Report 2017 – For Public Comment
In 2018, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) published its assessment report for Kigoma's first action plan, prepared by the independent researcher, Deus Valentine in collaboration with the IRM. It covers the full action plan implementation period of January 2017 through…
From Plan to Action: The Co-Creation Process in Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis
Del plan a la acción: El proceso de cocreación en la Metrópolis de Sekondi-Takoradi
To sustain the benefits of the OGP initiative under its local pilot program, the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolitan Assembly (STMA) and its civil society partners prepared its second local action plan, comprised of potentially high impact open government commitments. This action plan…
Para mantener los beneficios de la iniciativa OGP en su programa piloto local, la Asamblea Metropolitana de Sekondi Takoradi (STMA) y la sociedad civil elaboraron su segundo plan de acción local, el cual incluye compromisos de gobierno abierto con impacto…
Euskadi or the knowledge that used to get lost in between the seams
Euskadi o el conocimiento que se perdía entre costuras
We are making it! In the Basque Country (or Euskadi in Basque), we are implementing an action plan at different institutional levels. It’s not easy. More than a local government, we are a group of institutions with various degrees of…
¡Lo estamos haciendo! En el País Vasco (o Euskadi en vasco) estamos implementando un plan de acción entre distintos niveles institucionales, y no está resultando fácil. Somos más que un gobierno local: somos un grupo de Instituciones con diferentes grados…