Increase Public Participation in Decision-Making Engagement
The government
committed to establishing and enhancing permanent consultation spaces, where civil society and others can provide feedback on decision-making that has an impact on the public interest. Proposals and objections from public stakeholders will also be included in the legislative files submitted to the government for approval.
The substantial improvement of a permanent mechanism for public participation has the potential to increase the public’s role in key decision-making. The government set ambitious targets for participation, such as a 100 percent publication rate for the results of consultations and a 90 percent response rate to public comments submitted online.
Challenge Theme: Public Participation
United States
Framework for Public Participation and Community Engagement
The government committed to creating a new framework to strengthen current public participation activities led by the federal government and to provide support for agencies that will begin such engagement for the first time or support those with engagement activities already underway. The commitment includes the creation of a toolkit, which will act as an ongoing repository for guidance, case studies, and leading practices on public participation.
This commitment seeks to promote and support federal agencies' obligation to improve public participation throughout the federal government.
Challenge Theme: Public Participation
Open Contracting and Beneficial Ownership Transparency
has begun work to strengthen its legal frameworks on public procurement and beneficial ownership. For example, the government has mandated the collection and publication of beneficial ownership data, passed regulations to implement this change, and
launched a beneficial ownership register. The commitment also aims to require the use of beneficial ownership data in the public contracting process and transition to an online procurement system to prevent abuse.
This commitment connects beneficial ownership data with public procurement data for the first time in Malawi and makes such contracts available to the public, which would allow members of the public to see who is earning money from government contracts.
Challenge Theme: Anti-Corruption
Open Justice for an Open State
committed to improving access to justice through civic participation initiatives, such as by increasing youth engagement and using plain language to communicate legal information. Key activities include piloting a participatory, conflict resolution program using judicial facilitators and creating multi-stakeholder “Regional Open Justice Units” to evaluate local perceptions of criminal justice and measure the public’s knowledge of how the system works.
The initiative seeks to transform perceptions of justice in Chile by fostering a multi-stakeholder strategy to enhance greater collaboration, transparency, and public understanding at the local level, ensuring a system that is both accessible and trustworthy.
Challenge Theme: Justice
Implement a Whole-of-Government Anti-Corruption Strategy
The government committed to implementing the new strategy in 15 priority areas, such as the lack of effective verification for beneficial ownership information. A key element will be monitoring the progress of implementation through a public platform.
This commitment can ensure that implementation of the whole-of-government anti-corruption strategy is done transparently, enabling public oversight and feedback on its progress.
Challenge Theme: Anti-Corruption
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Open Contracting for Federal Infrastructure Projects
The government
committed to improving open contracting policies for infrastructure projects and increasing public engagement on project planning, implementation, and evaluation, such as by creating a permanent space for dialogue. The commitment will focus on increasing data interoperability and integration in the public procurement portal and disclosing information on all federal infrastructure projects.
This commitment has the potential to increase public engagement in public infrastructure contracts throughout the entire project cycle. It also uses a whole-of-government approach by coordinating reform with key sectoral ministries through the Comptroller’s Office.
Challenge Theme: Anti-Corruption
Open, Accessible, and Inclusive Court Rulings
The Judiciary
committed to increasing the public’s understanding of the Constitutional Court’s work, with a focus on youth and various Afro-Colombian and indigenous communities. This includes consulting the public on which judicial decisions to translate to plain language, publishing children’s books on their constitutional rights, translating court decisions on ethnic group protections into native languages, and publishing court rulings online for public scrutiny.
This commitment uses open justice approaches to increase understanding of what the Constitutional Court does, especially among vulnerable groups, and to encourage the use of data related to the court’s rulings.
Challenge Theme: Justice
Costa Rica
Reduce the Backlog of Court Cases
The Judiciary
committed to reducing the backlog by publishing all court case data on its centralized Continuous Improvement Model platform, which will allow the public to monitor progress.
By opening case backlog data, this commitment can increase the public’s understanding of the judicial system and allow them to monitor progress, which are key elements to advancing open justice.
Challenge Theme: Justice
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Strengthen National Dialogues
The government
committed to increasing participation in national dialogues and simplifying the results to better shape public policy-making.
This commitment has the potential to expand this form of participation across a diverse set of government institutions.
Challenge Theme: Public Participation
Learn more about this commitment
Dominican Republic
National Strategy for Civic Space
The government committed to creating a national strategy for civic space to guarantee the rights to assembly, association, and expression.
This commitment has the potential to create an enabling environment for civil society and civic action.
Challenge Theme: Civic Space
Learn more about this commitment