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Open Response + Recovery + Renewal

Cocreation process of the Local OGP – 2 Countering COVID-19 with Open Innovation

A time of crisis can shine a spotlight on the quality of services offered by governments. As is the case during the COVID-19 pandemic, some governments are faced with unprecedented challenges that are hard to address due to unpreparedness and…

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An Open Government Approach to Facing the Pandemic in Latin America: What We Heard

As part of the regional discussions around the Open Response + Open Recovery, the Latin American community got together a month ago, convinced that the solutions to the pandemic must rely on openness, and exploring ways to better articulate our…

Africa OR + OR Webinar graphic

Open Response + Open Recovery: COVID-19 Open Government Innovations from Africa

Reformers showcase best practices from African governments and civil society in response to COVID-19, focusing on practical recommendations to help tackling the current pandemic through open government approaches. Watch the recording in English and French...


Taking the OGP Co-Creation Process Online

Find practical tips, a curated list of online tools and platforms, and country examples to help take your OGP co-creation process online.

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A Guide to Open Government and the Coronavirus: Protecting Participation and Deliberation

COVID-19 has upended policy agendas across the globe. Governments have paused nonessential legislation and regulation and fast-tracked measures to respond to the pandemic.

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A Guide to Open Government and the Coronavirus: International Aid

The COVID-19 pandemic has strained healthcare systems, weakened economies, and deepened inequalities. In response, development partners are mobilizing assistance through grants, loans, debt relief, and other forms of official development assistance...

Open Government Partnership