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Diagonal Accountability and Development Outcomes

Taking a look at the effects of and conditions under which participatory democracy contributes to development outcomes. Good government is vital to the attainment of positive development outcomes (World Bank 2015). Government action is essential to providing for basic human…


Implementing SDG16+ Through the Open Government Partnership

The challenge of building peaceful, just and inclusive societies is at the heart of the SDGs and OGP can be a vital partner to achieve these goals. 

Democracy Beyond the Ballot Box

Democracy Beyond the Ballot Box

How Does Government Serve its Citizens, Instead of Itself? In 2011, government leaders and civil society advocates came together to create a unique partnership - one that combines these powerful forces to promote accountable, responsive and inclusive governance. Seventy-nine countries…

Liberia CitizENGAGE gender

New Commitments, New Approaches: 2018-2020 Action Plans

This publication highlights notable commitments from the 2018-2020 action plans in five emerging policy areas within the OGP community and recipients of the first round of OGP Multi-Donor Trust Fund co-creation support.

OECD – OGP Comms Guide

Communicating Open Government – A How-To Guide (OECD/OGP)

This guide is a resource for individuals tasked with explaining, encouraging, and building support for open government, understood as a culture of governance that promotes the principles of transparency, integrity, accountability and citizen participation for democracy and inclusive growth. The…

Open Government Partnership